Monday, April 6, 2009

One Cup to Rule Them All

While I am by no means a complete fan girl, I do tend to stay true to the few fadoms I've taken interest in, and every once and a while my geeky tendancies shines through so brightly it would be a shame not to share it with the world.

Enter: Clay Cafe; a place where you can pick out your own ceramics and for a moderate fee, paint till you've had your fill. They'll glaze it and cast it for you and you can then pick it up a few days later.

I had gone to take a break from my M.A. program and stumbled upon a beer stein. Not just any beer stein, Muggy VonBeerstein (because I can't seem to help giving names to inanimate objects) Normally I have a hard time trying to figure out what to paint, but almost instantly an idea came to me. I present to you: Lord of the cups!

While I have yet to drink an actual pint from it, you have no idea how happy it makes me to sip at my water while my chubby little fingers try to encircle its parameter.
It just might be my new favorite thing in the world.

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