Sunday, October 12, 2008

Library World

Now, I'm not there yet. I still have a few years of grad school before I can offically call myself a librarian, but in the meantime, a bit about me.
  • I'm 26
  • I'm going to school at Dalhousie in Halifax
  • I'm originally from Ontario
  • Got my undergrad in History
  • Have spent the last six years of my life in various school systems and overseas teaching

It was overseas actually, when I decided to make the jump to a different job. I was tired of the job market and wanted something that I could settle into and enjoy. Not to say that I didn't like what I was doing, but I was working on average, three jobs at once just to get by. Eventually when I came home I got a part time job at a local book store and that was it. Why couldn't I be doing this for a living? I'm not a big fan of the sales aspect of this, but I do love suggesting books and answering questions.

Enter: Library School.

Welcome to my life!