Friday, March 20, 2009

What Future Librarians Dream About

Friday night means I should be out doing something...anything. Instead I curled up with a pile of papers (that didn't get marked) and sat in front of the tv for a night full of my favorite fashion duo, Stacey and Clinton.

I have seriously considered going to the salvation army and dressing myself in the worst stuff I could find if it meant landing me on this show...then I realized sadly as I looked through my own wardrobe that I wouldn't need to.

I've got a small army of funny slogan tees, and in fact am currently wearing one that says "Volunteering: It doesn't pay." as I type. I've got stripes going the wrong way, any number of old, wonkey zip up hoodies, jeans that scrape against the ground because I've been too lazy to get any of them hemmed, and don't bother asking the last time I went for a bra fitting because I don't remember.

There are times when I feel one pair of orthopedic shoes and dangly eyeglass beads away from the stereotypical librarian. I've already got two cats. Perhaps I should add that to my resume. "Roving librarian seeks library to call her own; comes complete with bad shoes, bun, and two cats."

I don't know exactly when I started dressing badly. It might have been around the time I gained back all the weight I lost before entering into this graduate program and stress eating again. It may have been around the time I quit working at the clothing store and lost my 50% discount, making decent clothes a little too much out of my price range at the moment. Either way I've got one more year of living like a student before I can seriously invest in a big girl adult wardrobe. Quite frankly, I'm excited at the prospect!

In the meantime I'll watch and learn from the masters!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Closet Monsters and Missing Laundry

I feel the need to say that for the most part, I am a pretty organized person. Sure, my desk gets a little messy as crunch time creeps up, and yes, I do have a designated "laundry chair" for the clothes I've only worn once but are not quite dirty enough to go into the hamper, but the longer I'm in this program, the more I feel my mind is slipping.

Case in point: I've misplaced my pants.

This is quite the feat. I'm a pretty chubby girl, so it's not like the pants are small and out of the way. They're big, black, and fully of yoga goodness...and now missing. My room is a decent size, but seeing as how I own enough stuff to fill up about three suitcases, this should not be an issue. I recall wearing them to bed one night and then when I woke up in the morning in a disoriented haze, they were gone.

They couldn't have been stolen, my roommate is a tiny girl and my room stays locked at night. Perhaps I started to sleepwalk and threw them out the window? Regardless of the "how's" and "why's" they're gone, never to be seen again.